Lose Weight in English: Oatmeal Diet

Lose Weight in English: Oatmeal Diet
Oatmeal diet is very simple, yet very useful. Oats displays the body of harmful substances, stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves the immune system. In addition, this diet will save you from extra pounds.
The basis of this power up two cereals: one - oatmeal, the other - not ground whole grain. Additives in the form of a sugar or oil is not allowed. You can, if desired, a little salt the dish.

On the first day it is necessary to cook the porridge on the water, in the second - on the one percent milk and water in a ratio of one to one. If you want to diversify and improve nutrition oatmeal taste, add the uncrushed grain rice or buckwheat in the ratio of 3 to 1.

In one day, you need to eat 600 grams of both types of cereals. Divide them into six pieces and consume one-by-one hundred grams through equal time interval. Start with porridge of grains, as they effectively stimulate digestion.

As you can see, based on oat diet put chess principle: alternating with milk and water, whole and crushed grain. Without this alternation of taste would be monotonous and nutrients the body receives less.

That may still be present in your diet, in addition to oatmeal? Green vegetables: cucumbers, peppers, cabbage (about 300 grams daily). Do these products salads with parsley, dill, basil, tucking their unrefined vegetable oil. You can eat this dish immediately after receiving oat or breaks.

Fruits are also allowed: Fresh - 350 grams per day, dry - 50 grams. For example, you can eat an apple, orange, kiwi. Or eat the berries: blueberries, strawberries, currants, raspberries - the number of identical fruit norm.

Avoid carbonated drinks, mineral water, coffee. Postprandial drink about a glass of warm black or green tea. Juices permitted in limited quantities (up to 500 grams). Usually boiled water can be used much as you want.

Although oatmeal diet is useful to virtually all, some exceptions exist. If you have cirrhosis, hepatitis, food poisoning, infection (colds, sore throat), please refrain from such power to a full recovery.

Tags:cereal, oatmeal, slimming