Time Travel: Sights Italy

Time Travel: Sights Italy
 Italy - a real gift for the tourist. Beautiful nature, beautiful architecture and many galleries and museums attract many travelers every day.

The largest and most famous monument of architecture of sunny Italy was built in 72 AD. Circus and theatrical performances, gladiator fights with each other and with the furious wild animals - Roman audience of that time offered the most exquisite spectacle for all tastes and ages. In the 15th century dilapidated arena serves as a "quarry" for the construction of churches and palaces. Three centuries later the Colosseum was recognized as an architectural monument and its barbaric destruction was stopped. Save up to now part of the building in a hurry to see all the tourists visiting the country.

St. Peter's Basilica

Catholics all over the world consider it the most important Christian shrine. Under the church is the tomb of the martyr Peter, is over it by the decision of His Holiness Pope was built this architectural monument. Gorgeous painting, a precious jewel and valuable icons have caused repeated assaults that resulted in the emergence of a critical need for restoration. Today it hit its size church complex, consisting of a hall to the throne of the first Pope, the altar of the basilica and several other buildings.


Remains of the city, hastily built at the foot of the volcano, in our days are kind of museum architecture, lifestyle and living conditions of the inhabitants of ancient Italy. Homes of ordinary people and the privileged persons, fountains, plazas, markets, statues of gods and rulers - to see it all, one day is not enough, in Pompeii, painstakingly restored by archaeologists, you can wander a few weeks.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

In the 12th century the leadership of Pisa decided to build a new city bell tower. For these purposes, was invited to the best architect of Italy Pisano. Either he made a mistake in the design of the building, or in bad faith received and save on building materials, but since then the Leaning Tower steadily each year rolls to the ground exactly one millimeter. What attempts have only undertook scientists to stop this process, but none failed. She - a mandatory item tourism program, because, according to forecasts, it will drop pretty soon, after 35-40 years.

Tags: tower, travel, italy, tourist, cathedral, landmark, time, Pompey