Charging is on!

 The fight against excess weight and cellulite, it is a struggle for life and death. If you are ready to start a merciless war with his own body and laziness, go ahead! A set of exercises presented in this article will help you tighten the buttocks, thighs, abs and get rid of unwanted pounds.  

For the next exercise you have to kneel down, stretch your hands on the floor and, straining buttocks and pulling socks, make straight leg swing.

The amplitude of the stroke should not be large. On each leg to do for 20-30 strokes;

Lying on the floor, bend your knees, arms along the body. Squeeze your buttocks and abruptly "push" up the lower torso. Repeat 30-40 times;

Start with sit-ups - with or without weight, you decide, as long as during exercise, you could not take your heels off the floor, thighs parallel to the floor kept strictly, back straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder width;

Squats without weights or with up to 5 kg should be performed in three sets, 25-30 times, gradually increasing the number of sit-ups for the approach;

Squats with weights performed in two sets of 10-30 times;

For this exercise you need the chest expander (you can buy it in any sporting goods store). Sit on a chair, expander place between her thighs so that it can be compressed (hips) and decompress. This will help to work out the inside of the thighs. Repeat 10-30 times;

Lying on the floor, lift straight legs at a slight angle 10-50 times (can be intermittently) - this exercise is pumping the lower abdomen;

Find a chair or sofa, is located on the floor, legs let down on a chair (sofa), so that between your thighs and abdomen formed a right angle. In this exercise, it is important not to drag feet up, as it were twisted by the middle of the abdomen (belly button). This exercise circulates the upper and middle lobe of the press;

Lying on the floor, at the same time lift the torso and legs, pull the legs to one side, turn the body to another. This exercise circulates the obliques (sides);

For this exercise you will need dumbbells (3 to 5 kg). Take a dumbbell (hands down and right), stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart. Beware, if you drastically perform this exercise, you can hurt your back, begin to dip his hand along the body, as if the weight of the dumbbell pulling you to the ground. Bring the dumbbell up to about knee level, and as smoothly returns to its original position. This exercise is just tightens the obliques (sides);

Tags: charging