My best gift - it's ...

My best gift - it's ...
 Following the song from the cartoon loved by millions, many men believe the best gift the woman he loves only his own compelling a person, whereas the preferences and tastes of modern ladies much picky.

It is considered that a good gift - it's certainly a surprise, and, with a very special meaning. And the secret of success lies in the fact that the selection of gift must be considered individually, which demonstrate sensitivity, attention and love of the giver. Indeed, even if the most expensive and exclusive gift is completely unnecessary and uninteresting sense in his prepodnoshenii simply lost. So, to sum up, we can say that the best gift - it is, after all, attention. Only attention and tact will help in choosing the perfect gift unmistakable to the mutual satisfaction of the hero of the occasion and the donor.

However, a significant number of women do not always believe that the gift is sure to be material. And so with the greatest joy in taking tours romantic trips, marine yacht trips, hot air balloon flights, tickets to a beauty salon, and all that can please and decorate their daily lives. This may also include serenades, visits to the theater, bundles of balloons and of course, flowers. It goes without saying that all these pleasures should be commensurate with the tastes and desires of each woman.

However, referring to the more prosaic aspects of our lives, the vast majority are always busy and loaded to the limit on household chores women would consider a great gift basic assistance, and just desire of man to protect them from life's difficulties and stress. Having a long-awaited support in the face of a reliable and confident man, every woman and in fact would have regarded it as a gift of fate. Anyway, for our not too spoiled women's lives any manifestation of attention and care extraordinarily expensive. And if the behavior and lifestyle of men fit into the framework of their ideas about the norm, then this fact alone can give happiness and joy of life, satisfaction with each passing day and their union. So, not so too far from the truth to the children's song wise and philosophical, as it turned out, the phrase: "The best is my gift - it's you! ".

Tags: gift, a woman, a present