The marriage contract according to the rules

The marriage contract according to the rules
 Often people who love each other, getting married, do not think about how they can be combined feelings and money, family and calculation. But living together often have problems, critical situations that lead to divorce. And at this stage the couple can not agree with each other: the scandals, division of property, the courts, etc. Avoid those unpleasant moments can be, concluded before the wedding, the marriage contract.
 The marriage contract - is not evidence that the marriage is of convenience. On the contrary, this document speaks of respect for future spouses to each other, it controls the way of family life associated with the property. And in the case of divorce, the contract will help to avoid scandals, waste of time and nerves on the division of property.

If not stipulated otherwise, the property that the couple appeared in marriage is their joint property. This means that in a divorce all will be divided in half, no matter what and to whom has been issued. Debts are also divided in half. That is, if one of the spouses is decorated loan (including mortgage), you would pay equally, and husband and wife.

It is important to know that is not recognized common property: property owned by each spouse before marriage; that one of the spouses during the marriage was a gift, by inheritance, by the way gratuitous transactions. It is the property of each spouse, share it will not.

The marriage contract can be signed before the state registration of marriage, and in any period of family life. In drawing up the contract in the first case, it shall enter into force only after the official marriage. The contract can be concluded not only with respect to existing property, but also the future.

The marriage contract - is not the only agreement regulating property relations. Do not shut him up, while family life can make an agreement on the division of common property. Section of joint ownership can be made both during the marriage and after its termination at the request of either spouse.

In contrast to such an agreement, a prenuptial agreement is in writing and must be notarized.

In the marriage contract the spouses can determine their rights and responsibilities by mutual content, the order of each spouse incurring costs, what property and who gets in the event of a divorce, and you can include other suggestions that relate to property relations.

The marriage contract may not restrict the legal capacity or the ability of the husband or wife, their right to appeal to the court; restrict the right of a disabled spouse to maintenance; regulate personal non-property relations between spouses, as well as the rights and duties of children; contain the conditions under which one of the spouses can be put in a very disadvantageous position, or which contravene the principles of family law.

Allowed to change or terminate the contract at any time by agreement of both spouses.

Tags: contracts, conclusion drawing