Person: Emilia Vishnevskaya

Person: Emilia Vishnevskaya
 Emilia Vishnevskaya - a model that conquered Europe with his talent and ability to be attractive. She was ready to marry Vladimir Tishkov, with whom he lived for two years, and quit the business model, but fate decreed otherwise.

Emilia Vishnevskaya was born December 25, 1985 in Moscow. The girl's parents were intellectuals from Poland, so gave it a high school in 1106 with a humanitarian bias, trying to instill in her daughter aesthetic taste. In parallel, Emilia was dancing and singing in the school of arts. In 2003, she enrolled at the Moscow State Institute of National and Regional Relations at the Faculty of International Relations.

In 2004, Emily went to Europe and decided to try his luck in the modeling business. After some time it was noticed and was invited to shoot in glossy magazines. Today Vishnevskaya called the most sexy brunette Russian show business. In 2006, one of the Italian magazines compared with Emily Monica Bellucci in the ability to be a desirable and attractive.

In 2008, Vishnevskaya engaged to a popular TV host Vladimir Tishkov. But the happiness was short-lived, two years later scandal erupted: Vladimir brutally beat a girl, and the other was hospitalized with a concussion in the hospital. Emily could not bear grudges and decided to bring the case to court, but the trial is still ongoing.

In 2010, German producers have offered to become a singer Vishnevskaya, and Emilia gladly accepted. Girl recorded her debut song «Feel for you», as well as the debut album, which should appear on the shelves at the end of 2011. Emily admits that he never thought the business model for yourself a priority, so on a proposal to try yourself in the role of a singer she was thinking not minutes.

Parallel Vishnevskaya continues to work as a model, but now she has a lot more carefully choose the subject and shows. The reason for this - its contract in which a girl, do not remove too much in a candid photoshoot. And yet, in spite of high employment, the family of Emily remains in first place, and all the free time she spends with her parents.

Tags: model, person, Wisniewski, Emilia Vishnevskaya