Raw diet Angelina Jolie

Raw diet Angelina Jolie
 The benefits of a raw food diet has long been known, but that it helps to maintain normal weight, became known thanks to the popular Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie. Since then, as a well-known beauty admitted that it was raw diet allows her to maintain her slender figure, the raw food diet has become popular not only among Hollywood actresses, but also among ordinary women.

The essence of the diet Jolie stems from its very name: the products are not subjected to heat treatment, that is consumed raw. As such, the products retain all the nutrients and fully digested.

In the original raw diet allows the use of any vegetables and fruits (including dried fruits), nuts, seeds, honey, herbs, herbs and spices, as well as whole grains (sprouted grains, soaked in water, buckwheat and oatmeal).

However, Angelina Jolie has made some additions to the diet:

1. No protein, including animal, it is difficult to maintain activity. Therefore, the raw diet is desirable to include low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, white chicken meat, fish and seafood. Meat and fish should be baked in foil or steamed.

2. In the normal course of metabolic processes in the body need to drink plenty of fluids: pure spring water, green tea and fresh juices. If you need to lose a few pounds quickly, Angelina recommends further purifying drinking tea. She especially likes ginger tea, which, in addition to cleansing, strengthens the body's defenses and increases stamina.

3. It is important to provide the body with sufficient amount of useful fiber. To this should be included in the diet of muesli. But not those that are sold in stores: they contain a lot of sugar. Better to buy cereals, add to them a piece of fruit and pour yogurt. Yogurt may be used instead of sugar juice.

4. At dinner Angelina prefers to use cold vegetable soups, for example, gazpacho. These dishes have many advantages: they are easy to prepare, they are tasty and low in calories.

5. During the active combat obesity, it is imperative to exercise. They will save your skin from the appearance of stretch marks and help you lose weight faster.

6. If it is hard time to switch to another power supply system, you can start eating raw foods every day, and then move on completely raw diet. Instead, you can regularly arrange fasting days on some fruits and vegetables.

7. It is important to listen to your body, to understand what he needs at the moment - in muesli, a soup or vegetables. This will always eat food with gusto.

Tags: weight, diet, fight, raw food diet