Efficient mono-diet for weight loss

Efficient mono-diet for weight loss
 Monodiets essence is that a person eats only one product. Such a diet can not be abused. The benefits would be the case if you follow monodiet no more than 3 days. In fact, they need to periodically arrange a fasting days. Therefore, mono-diet for 3 days - this is the best version of the diet.

Consider some of these types of diets.
Buckwheat diet. During buckwheat diet the body is cleansed of toxins and harmful substances. A couple of weeks you can lose weight by 10 kg. Buckwheat - a very satisfying cereal, but in order to get results, you need to properly prepare buckwheat. To do this, it is poured boiling water and allowed to stand overnight. Note that it is not necessary to cook, as well as adding spices.
Cucumber monodiet. It is known that cucumbers are well cleaned intestines, removes waste products, improve metabolism. In addition, the cucumber is a good diuretic that helps get rid of edema. You can eat cucumbers with salt and pepper, and three times a day to make cucumber salad, tucking his little sour cream and herbs. Permissible use of a single piece of black bread.
Rice mono diet. Obviously, the main product in the diet is rice. It is best to use brown rice, because it it contains a lot of vitamins that are needed by the body. The maximum number of days during which one can sit on this diet should not exceed the number 14, ie 2 weeks. Once the diet is over, do not start to eat everything, otherwise the effect will be lost, and thrown the weight you gain 2 times faster. The result is preserved for a long time after the diet, be careful with the use of meat and dairy products.
Oatmeal monodiet. Oatmeal porridge is better to cook on the water than on milk, without adding sugar, salt and spices. In no case can not be added to oatmeal and dried fruit, because they increase the caloric content and, therefore, the meaning of the diet is reduced to zero. Oatmeal monodiet very helpful. Porridge oats can prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, so it can be safely called therapeutic. The secret of the therapeutic properties is that oatmeal prevents corrosive gastric juices of the stomach wall.
Thus, we examined several popular mono-diet, and some of them to choose - you decide!

Tags: Weight Loss