How to distinguish love from sympathy

How to distinguish love from sympathy
 You like each other, you are well and comfortably together, then maybe this is love? There are several signs by which one can determine what constitutes your feelings deep heartfelt affection or sympathy simple that will be forgotten in a few days. But remember, that will determine exactly just your heart.
 1. Happiness. If you feel sympathy for the man, you may want to feel your happiness with him. But if you really love it, the first thing you care about his happiness, not his.

2. Respect. Lovers of people who have a simple sympathy, as many may say, what a wonderful person next to them, but only those who love each other, truly respect and value the opinion of the partner.

3. Advantages and disadvantages. Sympathy - when you look at a person and feel love, enchanted by its endless virtues. Deficiencies you just do not notice. But true love - this is when you know the disadvantages of a loved one, but they do not scare you.

4. Friends. Do people in love friends usually fade into the background, they are entirely focused on each other, they just do not care any more to anyone in the world. If you love, friends have shared.

5. Parents. When you are in love, not about your parents it comes to the part about their opinion about your partner? Actually, no one's world view of him you are not interested. But when you love, your parents or friends for a long time put up with your chosen one. Anyway, they are familiar.

6. Attitude. Lovers find their partner simply perfect. They do not understand how that happiness comes down on their heads, because these people just do not happen. If you have a serious love, the attitude of the partner may say that it is your own people.

7. Understanding. If you sympathize with the person you would like to understand it and to establish with him a more intimate contact. But when you love, then you already know the partner. Understanding - a distinctive feature of the relationship based on love.

8. Date. Lovers can not live without each other, they would like to carry out together all the time, or at least to meet more often. But loving people live together. And it is good.

9. Compatibility. Lovers people look in the mirror at yourself as a couple, and think they look great together, complementing each other, well, just perfect. A loving look in the mirror at each other and think, What will their children.

10. The prospect. Strong sympathy and love - this is when it is difficult to imagine how one can live without this person, and love - when you are planning your future together.

Tags: love, love