How to survive in jobs involving all hands

How to survive in jobs involving all hands
 Abraham at work can occur for several reasons - the irrational use of working time, Abraham planned (for example, at the time issue) or simply due to force majeure. But you can cope with it, the only important thing right approach to solving the problem.

If Abraham is manifested through the fault of the employee, or according to plan, that is, the task was given a week ago, but has not been satisfied, then the most likely problem is the inability to properly use during working hours. In this case it is recommended to plan in advance jobs, dividing them into four groups - urgent and important, not urgent and important, urgent and unimportant, non-urgent and unimportant. In the same manner, and they must perform.

If you follow this simple principle, that the main task will always be timely made. It should be remembered that the important tasks to be performed in any case, and can later be unimportant delegate to other employees.

But there is not always the fault of Abraham employee. Quite often, loading is unexpected, for example, through the fault of the authorities, which in due time could not properly assign responsibilities among staff, or due to force majeure.

In any of these cases, it becomes clear that Abraham is still inevitable, so it is important to prepare for it. For example, an advance supply of black coffee and small sandwiches for a snack. It will not hurt, and the right mental attitude.

For example, at the first sign of impending work involving all hands, try to increase the load to deal with current affairs. Then it is important to make a list of tasks that must be done. The main condition - to understand what and when to pass, who to call and what to say.

You can prepare and plan for the next few days, leaving free time, as in the work involving all hands you may find that the list of cases assigned to you, is somewhat broader than originally anticipated. Better spent on drawing up their schedules for 15-20 minutes, than at some point face full of confusion and lack of understanding of what you want to lead.

Tags: work, Abraham