How to brainstorm

How to brainstorm
 One of the operational methods of finding solutions to problems considered to brainstorm or brainstorming. Its scope is quite wide. It helps to solve a problem of any kind. The success of this event is largely dependent on the leader, who coordinates the work of the group.
 So, where to start? First we need to articulate the subject of discussion and conversation desired results. It is necessary to form a group of participants in an amount of 5-10 people. It is advisable to choose the participants so that their views on the same subject differ from each other. It is possible to find several solutions. Warn participants of the discussion about the brainstorm better advance. This will enable them to prepare for a little conversation.

Brainstorming process consists of two stages. The first - generation of ideas, the second - discussion. Team must be people with different thinking: active, not afraid to experiment, creators, analysts, skeptics, rationalists.

Is widely used in the brainstorming method "635". It takes part 6 people. First, each of these three ideas writes predetermined point within 5 minutes. Then the sheets are passed around the circle from participant to participant, where each person reads the ideas of his friend and supplement them.

Since the sheets are transferred until all participants are not familiar with all of the ideas put forward. Then all offers (they turned 18) are discussed in the group.

But basically, the process of brainstorming process is as follows: a small warm-up, directly generating ideas, discussion of ideas, the choice of a suitable solution.

At the initial stage of brainstorming group members are nominated by different, sometimes even absurd proposals. But in any case it is impossible to criticize judgments of participants. This can lead to isolation and fear of the ideas put forward at all. All suggestions and opinions must be recorded in writing individual.

If the group does not advance the discussion, the facilitator should try to stir up, to direct the thoughts of participants on track. If some enthusiastically participate in the discussions, and some sit in silence, the moderator of the conversation itself should contact them to ask their opinion.

After all the participants agreed, you can begin to discuss the ideas put forward. Without criticism. You just need to efficiently respond to the question: "How does this idea can help solve problems? ". Depending on the working day specialists, brainstorming is recommended at 10-11 am or from 15 to 18 o'clock.

Tags: idea, discussion, assault, generating