Obesity - the scourge of our time

 Previously, I looked at obese Americans and thought, here it is the reverse side of well-being, grow fat, you know, in the warmth and prosperity! And now, it seems, and we also achieved a high level of life ?! For obese compatriots on the streets - the darkness. Lived, so to speak! Just do not say unequivocally: fortunately or unfortunately it ...

Obesity is, alas, a huge problem in modern society. And, of course, the point is not so much in the fact that due to obesity people are, to put it mildly, are not attractive in appearance.

Together with obese person piled health problems: diabetes, hypertension, varicose veins, atherosclerosis, heart failure ... In general, the list is long and unpleasant, so that enough already listed.

Obesity, as is known, causes metabolic disturbance. The relationship of these two processes is obvious and needs no proof. But I would not hurry to call a metabolic disorder cause of obesity. Still, this is a consequence.

 The true causes of obesity are to be found much earlier, before the metabolism violated - in fact, as a result of which he then violated.

 Causes of Obesity

Exploring the reasons contributing to obesity, I realized that not everything correctly blamed on heredity and environment. Although they can not be ruled out. Still, statistics show that heredity and environment are at the end of the list of reasons.

The main reason - the comfort of lifeIe that exists objectively, independently of us. The progress of science, the development of civilization give us a lot of amenities in the home. To many of them, we are so accustomed that not even aware of them as a convenience, and is perceived as a given.

And here is our perception already have second, no less important reason (And maybe even more important) - sedentary lifestyle. Lifestyle - is subjective and depends on the choice of each of us.

You can in fact approach to the use of reasonable comfort. But no! Most makes comfort - the foundation of life. As a result, we are so moving away from nature, which is not surprising cause any disruptions in the body.

We live and work in the rooms cozy - warm, heated in winter and cool, air-conditioned in the summer. We carefully protected from any kind of bad weather: wraps in warm clothes and covered with hoods hiding under umbrellas, wading through the storm in cars.

Everything around us is arranged so in order to save our time and limit our movement. Phone - radio or mobile - is always at hand. TV and other entertainment equipment is operated DU-shkami.

If some information is necessary to find, in the library, no one runs: went to the computer, including the Internet and you have everything you need, delivered to your door. And thus saved time and energy we spend on that? Well, not on the move - so for sure! By and large a lot of free time we are lazy.

Finally, Another cause of obesity - overeating. I believe that reason does not require comment ?!

In general, if you move away from nature, do not move and eat, eat, eat ... then nothing else like obesity, and should not wait. And, happily waiting for obesity is one - to be treated.

 Treatment of obesity

Do not expect that I will talk enthusiastically about what wonderful ways to treat obesity exist. Acquainted with the existing methods, I, frankly, was horrified - such blasphemous to the body, they seemed to me.

But then I thought about what to bring yourself to obesity - at least blasphemous act. So one another stands. Not to go into the medical details, I only briefly describe the most popular treatments for obesity. They are divided into conservative and surgical.

By conservative methods of treatment include:

• medication, appetite suppressants
• receipt of funds, do not give absorbed fats and promotes their cleavage
• cleansing teas and medicines have diuretic and laxative effect
• Hormone therapy is to restore metabolism
And as an additional method used psychotherapeutic sessions, healing gymnastics, acupuncture, massage, hydrotherapy.

To surgical methods of treatment include:

• Gastric Banding: putting him silicone ring so that the stomach becomes like an hourglass. As a result - coming into the upper small amount of food fills it completely, leading to a feeling of satiety.
• gastric bypass surgery: creating at its top "small stomach", connected with a loop of the small intestine. As a result - half the food goes directly into the intestine without being absorbed in the stomach.
• the introduction of the gastric balloon: Inserting the stomach silicone balloon. The result - a feeling of fullness is immanent.

Note that the resort to surgical methods for the treatment, it is necessary, if the excess weight is (no joke to say!) Of 45 kg or more and that the general meaning of such intervention - to reduce the volume of the stomach and limit the number of incoming and, most importantly, the food absorbed by the stomach.

Well, what ?! I believe you too impressed with the above methods of treating obesity? Is not it a "humane"? I'm not saying all of them, of course, have no side effects and is safe for the body.

Especially surgical. Also note, the treatment of obesity - a process not only agonizing, but lifelong. In general, it makes sense to take care of themselves to obesity, in other words - take timely preventive maintenance.

 Prevention of obesity

Nothing special in the prevention of obesity is not. We are talking about simple and quite reasonable (but, alas, ignored by so many, and regularly) rules on conducting literacy lifestyle:

1. Be not a diet, but a rational balanced diet without overeating. Let your menu always present zucchini, carrots, lettuce, cabbage, cranberries. Drink infusions of leaves and strawberries, fees Melissa herbal teas, mint and thyme. Be sure to Develop Power individually.

2. Ensure a sufficient physical activity. Engage in some kind of sport. Do exercises in the morning. About Water "shower" procedures do not forget. And, in general, more walk, rather than drive, drive, and do not lie.

3. Take care of your emotional state. And, I mean not only the absence of stress. Quiet life without emotion no less harmful. Emotions should be OK - no excess, but without fault.

4. A separate scroll - sexual component life. Its usefulness at the same time gives physical activity, positive emotions and the right hormones.

5. Engage in self-discipline. Learn to say to yourself "no", "enough", "it's bad". Understand that a good appetite - it's not "Jordania" and the need for adequate food. Struggle with laziness and constantly motivate yourself that healthy lifestyle - not torture and pleasure.

Obesity - a serious illness, entailing a mass of not less serious health problems. The more running this state, the harder it is to treat. But do preventive maintenance is easy. So just tell yourself, "Stop!" And not bring themselves to such a disgusting extreme obesity. And to begin with, in my opinion, quite simply critical look at yourself in the mirror ...

 Author: Julia Detochkin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: obesity, modernity