Fitness: choose your pace

Fitness: choose your pace
 Some think so, "Lose weight is necessary, and to limit themselves in eating hard, then I will go to the gym and" plow "there until exhaustion ..." And so people really laid out the full program in the gym and, barely moving his feet from fatigue, leaving fitness -club assured that burn a lot of fat and become slimmer. Yes, calories he spent a large amount - but not the fact that the lost weight, because when you load the body can not part with fat, and with his other "reserves" up to the intrinsic muscles! And to become healthier and slimmer, it is necessary to choose for themselves a pace and rhythm in which it will be unnecessary to disappear.
 First calculate maximum heart rate, that is, simply put, pulse, according to your age. For this purpose it is necessary to take away from 220 the number of years lived. Now it is possible to determine the levels of exercise intensity.

At moderate voltage pulse is from 50% to 60% of the maximum heart rate. During light jogging and walking briskly body uses energy to maintain 85% fat, 10% carbohydrate and 5% protein. However, the body fat starts to use only after the "pick" energy of glucose in the blood. That it came to fat, it is necessary to run or walk at least an hour every day. This is best suited for those who have more or less lost and now wants to keep yourself in the "correct" form. In addition, this type of training is useful as a warm-up before the main workout.

If the pulse is from 60% to 70% of the maximum heart rate, the body in the same way as in the previous case, used as a source of energy 85% fat, 10% carbohydrate, 5% protein, but calories "eliminated" will . Cardio workout that will last at least 30 minutes, will help to become slimmer.

When the pulse is from 70% to 80% of the maximum heart rate, body intensively uses oxygen (and therefore increase in breathing), 50% fat, 50% carbohydrate and less than 1% protein. However, oddly enough, to burn fat this rate is less efficient than the previous; it is used mainly for endurance training (in this case should be dealt with more than half an hour).

If the heart rate from 80 to 90%, the body running almost to the limit. As energy sources used 85% carbohydrate, 15% fat and less than 1% protein. There is already virtually no fat is burned, but improved muscle. The maximum load requires mandatory supervision of physicians and trainers; in such a rhythm professional athletes train for the sake of future records.

The average person who wants to lose weight a little, enough to alternate the first three types of loads. Always before classes necessary to assess their attitude, level of preparedness and health. It is also important to monitor the pulse.

Tags: fat, fitness, training, exercise, load, tempo, intensity