How to survive a divorce

How to survive a divorce
 Divorce - it's stress, according to psychologists, is equivalent to the loss of a loved one through death. This is a blow to the ego, the collapse of the hopes of a man who built a general plan for the future. In this situation need stamina, will, faith and optimism.
 Divorce in the family, where one of the spouses did not expect this turn of events - it is a tragedy and the collapse of plans. At one point, a man falls flurry of emotions, unpleasant discoveries, and sometimes inadequate, not specific to the human behavior. At this point, it is important to maintain your health. Firstly, it is really important, because strong emotions and feelings can trigger a number of diseases, and secondly, monitoring of their condition detract from the situation and switch to a different type of activity, provide the ability to control himself and the situation.

No matter how bitter it must be admitted that the former mate at this stage and do not hold back, you need to take the real situation, rather than continue to live with illusions. In order not to fall into a stupor and not torture yourself with false hopes and memories, clinging to look for your favorite cup or a book left the family man should be possible to get rid of all personal belongings. Particularly difficult, of course, if the family has children who are living in the house. In this situation, repair or rearrangement of furniture "run" out of the house now irrelevant memories.

The next step - the definition of goals and plans for the future. Require a certain period of time to efficiently run the household, do not make unnecessary purchases or, on the contrary, not to go on a spending binge. Help real purpose, for example, a trip to Paris or a dazzling necklace, which you so long dreamed of. Do not be too simplify the task itself, the goal should be attractive and enticing, it must be a gift that motivation is not allowed to break away and do irrational things. Although it is not necessary to panic when in a fit of jealousy suddenly wanted to talk with a new partner halves. Just forgive yourself a mistake, but all have a right to it, do not torture yourself even for that.

Prepare a sheet of paper and write down all the benefits that brought the divorce. Difficult? No benefits? Do not rush, leave a sheet and a pen in a prominent place - soon free space on it will not. Often after a divorce people rush to extremes, start making new acquaintances. No need to rush into a serious relationship at the moment when meeting a new partner perceives man as he is at the moment, and build relationships based on that. This may be a false representation of people after a divorce may not behave quite typical.

Tags: divorce, life, separation