Dance of love and passion

Dance of love and passion
 This dance is loved and known throughout the world. In his rhythm beating hearts of millions of people. It is popular among the common people, and among the elite. It is a dance for two and for all. All of the above - it's about the tango dance of love and passion. For the period of the history of tango is not just banned and anathematized, destroyed notes. That dance was reborn again and again. And as the beginning of his story?

In tango intertwined three cultures - African, Latin American and European. He was called and an antique Spanish dance, dance and African blacks. One thing is clear - the origin of the dance really goes back centuries. In Spain tango got from the African continent, then together with the settlers dance gets to South America. In Buenos Aires, tango became part of the city's celebrations, but was soon expelled from the streets for obscenity. However, continue to dance tango in working-class neighborhoods and suburbs. Back to Europe tango hits the turn of 19-20 centuries. And suddenly falls into a stream. Now his dance in England, France, Germany, Russia and even America. Over time, begin to separate two kinds of tango - European and Argentine.

Initially, tango was a male dance. Dashing macho demonstrated with the help of his military bearing, strength and stature. Later in the dance and began to accept women more often - prostitutes. With this classic woman's outfit for the tango, this narrow dress with a slit and neck, as well as stockings and shoes with high heels. For the dancer outfit is of less importance, the main elements - patent leather shoes, hat and pomaded hair.

Tango on stage for the first time was in the Teatro de la Victoria in 1857. Music for the dance of love and passion was performed using the guitar, violin, flute and bandoneon - a form of harmonics. It gives the bandoneon tango tunes its unique flavor. Golden decade of tango called the forties of the 20th century. The dance and music to it becoming so popular. In those years, every night club and cabaret in Buenos Aires lived in the rhythm of tango. As a tribute to the dance, in 2007, residents of the city at their own expense, erected a monument in the form of a two-ton tango bandoneon.

For many people the tango - it's not just dance, tango - it is life, love and fiery passion. He still travels the world and winning the hearts, giving sadness and tenderness, hope and despair, struggle and freedom ...

Tags: history, love, dance, tango, passion, bandoneon