
 So, your time has come. Youth had passed forever, sad thoughts, you throw it in the heat and cold, and in general, the meaning of life seems to be lost. No wonder depression and unpleasant physiological effects - perfectly normal symptoms of menopause. Today women's magazine JustLady will try to convince you that menopause is not the end of your life, but rather the opposite. A discomfort ... Well, they certainly present, but it is a temporary phenomenon, which need to survive, and even it is possible to alleviate.  

In the category Women's Health: ingrown nail

Normally,menopause in women comes at the age of fifty-one years, and changes in the body that result in poor health, lasting from six months to three years. For too long, you say, and very unpleasant. First of all, you must understand that any natural phenomenon can occur more or less rapidly and painlessly, depending on how you do feel about him.

Knowledge of the physiological processesin your body during menopauseTo help with the gloomy thoughts and depression, it is always easier to move in trouble if you know exactly what's going on, and that is when something is bound to end.

So, what is menopause?

In the childbearing years your ovaries are actively functioning, the body produces a special hormone - estrogen, which is responsible for the possibility of conception. Now ovarian activity comes to naught,menses Me and come less regularly until it stops completely. Greatly reduced and estrogen production.

As a result, you have the problem starts with the well-being, mood, you are suffering from sudden changes in body temperature, you have sexual problems caused by dryness of mucous membranes of the vagina. Unpleasant phenomenon, but, as has been said, time and their manifestation can and must be fought.

Mood and well-being during menopause

First of all, Throw away melancholy and bitter thoughts. Yes, youth is gone, but life is not over. Just think, what prospects are opened for you time to maturity. Most of you are free from the obligation to have grown children. Career can be considered valid, and if not, then now is the time to do new and interesting thing.


If you are not married, then it will be able to establish new relationships. In any case, having sex, you no longer need to think about birth control and unplanned pregnancy.

Physical exercise significantly improve your health due to increased production of norepinephrine and serotonin. These substances produced by the body during exercise, have an impact on your mental state, helping to cope with depression.

Be sure to walk or join a gym, swimming pool or visit the school dance - do anything but move and try to get positive emotions.
As well help stretching exercises and stretching, breathing exercises.

Sexual problems at menopause

It is clear that now you may not want no sex. First of all, this is due to lack of lubrication. This, again, is not a problem - at a drugstore or specialty store, you can find special creams and gels for lubrication that can help you resolve this issue.

Why have sex if I do not want? Believe me, it is very necessary. Research has shown that the level of estrogen in women, leading a regular sex life during menopause decreases much more slowly, which means that the discomfort associated with this phenomenon occur much less frequently and are softer.

In turn, the normal level of estrogen helps you maintain interest in sex, which is undoubtedly a positive impact on your emotions and relationships with a partner.

If, however, interest is lost, try experimenting with different poses. Maybe now you will accept what used to like him, but do not fit you.
Talk to each other and do not regret loving words, often touching each other.
Do not make the common mistake - do not sleep alone. Often, women during menopause exposed sweating, trying to sleep in the other bed, so as not to interfere with the spouse. If you're so afraid to disturb his sleep, better buy a single blanket and then you will be covered and disclosed without waking her husband.


This is probably the most unpleasant phenomenon in menopause. Do you feel the unbearable heat in the head and upper body, his face reddens and you throw in the pot. Ugliness lasts about 3 minutes, then you begin to torment a new attack - a chill. This is because during high tide the body temperature rises sharply, and immediately after falls below the norm. To restore the entire thermoregulation you will need about an hour.

To blame all the same estrogen drop which impairs the ability of the brain to regulate body temperature. So, as you can see, maintaining sexual relations during menopause will help you cope with this problem. According to doctors, sexually active women are less likely to suffer from hot flashes.

Whatever it was, but in varying degrees, 80% suffer from hot flashes in menopausal women. To relieve the symptoms you might want to remember a few simple rules.
1. Most women feel the approach of the tide and should be able to prepare for it: you need to relax and do not rush into a panic, the calmer you feel, the easier it will suffer an attack of fever.

2. Do not wear too many clothes. The heat triggers the onset of hot flashes. Keep in a cool room temperature. Wear jackets and sweaters over blouses. Before starting the tide remove excess clothing, and at the end put again - you will need to keep warm during the fall of temperature.

3. To sweating does not cause additional discomfort wearing clothes made from natural cotton and wool. They allow the body to rapidly cool and absorb moisture.

4. Buy a handheld fan. Little thing on batteries will help you survive the attack of fever. Just turn it on and keep it to myself, when you feel that now begins tide.

5. Reconsider eating habits. Try to eat often, but small portions - this approach will help to regulate body temperature. Do not forget to drink water. Limit your intake of caffeine and alcohol - they can cause high tide.

No matter how strong a person you are, not to be alone with their problems. Surely you have close friends who have already gone through all the charmMenopause or just getting ready for this period. Talk to them, tell me that you are suffering and worries. Perhaps they will help you take a fresh look at what is happening. Or maybe they themselves need help and good advice - it is also the way, you'll be able to escape from their problems and help them.

Most importantly, remember that this is not forever. And when the trouble is over, you have there is still a decent period of active life and only you can decide how pleasant and intense will be your future life.


Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: youth, cold, menopause