Tea Ceremony

Tea Ceremony
 The tea ceremony is not only, or rather not so much the process of consumption of a beverage prepared from the leaves of the tea bush, as the sequence of actions whose purpose is to achieve a state of detachment from the bustle. Speaking about the tea ceremony, most often have in mind the ritual, developed in Japan by the end of the XVI century, although tea has its own traditions in a number of other countries.
 There are several varieties of the tea ceremony, which differ in timing. When the moon passes night ceremony that ends no later than four o'clock in the morning. A feature of this ritual is very strong brew tea powder. Early in the morning it comes time for the tea ceremony at sunrise, which continues until six in the morning. About one o'clock of afternoon tea ceremony, which is distinguished by the absence of light snacks, usually fed participants of the ceremony, held at a different time. About six o'clock in the evening it's time for evening tea ceremony.

Participants of the tea ceremony are going in the same room and then go to a tea house, crossing the garden along the path. Contemplation of plants and stones located in the garden, is one of the stages of the ceremony. Tea garden mimics the hillside, overgrown with bamboo and evergreen conifers. It crosses the path, lined with rough stones. For evening and night ceremonies in the garden lit dim lights. At the end of the path leading to the teahouse, there is a well, water from which the participants wash their hands and face, and then go to the tea house.

In the first half of the XVI century tea ceremony were carried out in a specially built for this building. Teahouse is a low structure that mimics a peasant hut and consists of one room. The interior decoration is simple and usually consists of a scroll with the dictum, specially selected for the tea ceremony master, flower arrangement and incense incense. In the middle of the room is the hearth, which is preparing to drink.

To remove the possible discomfort caused by hunger, before brewing tea are served a light, beautiful looking food. The process of tea takes place in silence. The first welding, the strongest, is preparing a total one cup at all present. Once the cup is empty, guests are served sweets and preparing less strong drink, which is poured into individual cups. Utensils for the tea ceremony is to be performed in the same style, with no extra decorations, different forms of simplicity. At this stage of the ceremony the guests talk about the flower arrangement, tea room decorating, discuss the merits of the beverage, tea-things and saying, selected tea master for the ceremony. The ceremony ends when the master of ceremony leaves tea house. Participants have time to once again consider the floral arrangement, decorate the room.

The final stage of the ceremony is the cleaning of the tea room. Past action should remain only in the memory of participants without leaving obvious traces.

Tags: tea, japan, ceremony, holding