How to build shoulders

How to build shoulders
 Shoulders, more than any other part of the body require flawless execution of each exercise, aimed at their training. Correct technique - the cornerstone for successful work with the shoulder girdle. Basic exercises can be divided into two groups: the presses and swings.
 Presses are of the following types: standing or sitting, dumbbells or barbells, because of the head or chest, bench press in the simulator. Mahi designed for front, middle and rear delts. For front delts responsible rise bars, blocks or dumbbells in front of you. Rise blocks or dumbbells to the sides is considering the average delta. Rear delta trains breeding units or dumbbells in the slope.

For women shoulder a greater emphasis should be placed on the front and back of the delta, as the average visually expands shoulders. Although perhaps this is what you need. It is recommended to perform a large number of reps: 3-4 sets of 16-20 repetitions. Do not forget about the workout.

Basic training should begin with heavy presses on his shoulders. After them will perform mahi. In such a tactic has two advantages, firstly, you have a certain amount of strength for the toughest exercises at the beginning of the workout. Secondly, mahi considered more traumatic. Therefore, their best finish workout, when the muscles are already warmed up well.

Train the front and side deltoids will press the bar. While sitting or standing, a little cave in at the waist. Hands are placed slightly wider than shoulder width. Grasp the barbell straight grip, squeeze it over his head, hands should be straight. Slowly return to starting position, bringing the bar to chest level. Look straight ahead, feet should be parallel to each other.

Direct wide grip, grasp the bar so that the arms were strictly parallel to each other. Head right, in any case, do not tilt it. Straighten your body and slightly caved in at the waist, lower the bar on the upper part of the trapezius muscle. Next, raise the bar, arms completely straight. Slowly return to starting position.

Mahi train with dumbbells front and side deltoid muscle. Take the dumbbells overhead grip and slowly raise them at shoulder height. Your arms should be slightly bent. Then slowly lower to the starting position.

Breeding hands with dumbbells standing helps to develop side (middle), head of the deltoid muscle. To perform this exercise, you need to take a dumbbell in each hand, to become straight, arms down along the body. Lift the dumbbells upward and outward. Wrist while slightly rotate as if pouring water.

To work out the back of the head of the deltoid muscle, divorce hands with dumbbells in the slope. At the top, try to linger for a few seconds. To complete this exercise, take a dumbbell in your hands and lean at an angle of 45 degrees. Your arms while turning the wrist. Slowly return to starting position. This exercise can be done both sitting and standing.

Inflate trapezoidal and medium deltoids will also help pull the chin narrow grip. Note that a wide grip provides greater load on the delta. Stand with the bar, the distance between the hands of no more than 20 centimeters. Tighten it up until the bar comes close to the chin. Back straight, feet shoulder width apart. Reaching the chin, slowly lower the bar to the starting position.

Tags: arm, shoulder, delta