Why is dangerous excess weight

Why is dangerous excess weight
 Lifestyle in people who are overweight has its own characteristics. In addition to health problems, such people often difficult to arrange her personal life and professional career.
 The first is to remember that being overweight - is a direct way to all sorts of health problems. Sometimes to lose weight you need to save your life. Overweight bad influence on the heart, causing increased pressure, sometimes leading to stroke. Overweight prevents a person to be active everyday lifestyle, the smallest loads lead to rapid breathing and weakness. Even walking on foot sometimes given with hard work, not to mention regular exercise.

 Fat people is much more difficult to exist in the modern world. Slim figure plays an important role in the external evaluation of man, because it is often even at work take a person more well-groomed and fit. Accordingly, people who are overweight more difficult to find a good position and have a career. For the same reason the fat man is not easy to find a life partner. In short - the social status of such people comes not so easy.

 Obesity is often associated with unhealthy lifestyle - namely, with a surfeit of food. Excessive consumption of sweets and other unhealthy foods leads to liver disease, who have to work with the increased load. Constant overeating leads to the fact that the body no longer cope with its function, there are attacks of weakness, nausea and other symptoms of chronic intoxication. Of course, lead a full life in such a situation is extremely difficult. To relieve the liver, should review your diet and add to the everyday menu more vegetables and fruits.

 Among the problems associated with being overweight, you should mention the spine, which during the day constantly overloaded, because he had to wear a excess body weight. The higher it is, the more likely the occurrence of diseases of the spine.

 Perhaps the most lamentable point of the entire list - is infertility, since women are overweight disturbed hormonal status. But it is necessary to reset the hateful pounds, and everything returns to normal, and the long-awaited pregnancy is not far off.

 The more extra pounds, the more health problems, career and personal life.

Tags: mass, weight, image, figure, life, body