Diet Victoria Boni: how celebrities lose weight

Diet Victoria Boni: how celebrities lose weight
 Looking at participating in the project "Dom-2" Victoria Bonyu undoubtedly be envied her beautiful figure. But what you should do your own piece of the same, following the advice of Boni? Victoria herself believes that the secret of her slimness laid in a balanced diet, and if you follow a few rules, a person will not have problems with obesity.

For myself, Victoria Boni established rules 5 Power:

1. Minimize the dishes high in bad cholesterol. In other words, it limits your intake of meat and fried foods.

2. In your menu is quite often at the expense of making a variety of fruits, herbs and vegetables.

3. From the fluid intake, it recognizes only pure water, fresh and indispensable for her green tea.

4. Maintain the shape helps it easy and gymnastics, which she does every day.

5. And often she allows herself a procedure such as massage.

But when Victoria feels that still gained a few extra pounds, then resorted to a three-day diet.

During these three days in her diet includes only egg whites and grapefruit, and in an amount of not more than 3 per day. It is also important that these products should be used, alternating. For example, at a time eat first half of the protein, and only after half grapefruit. It washes down this meal exceptionally green tea or fresh water, but these drinks can consume it in unlimited quantities.

Weight loss is due to the specific effect of grapefruit on the body. Due to its properties improves intestinal peristalsis, which in turn helps to rid the body of excess fluid. Besides, grapefruit normalizes metabolism that entails the loss of excessive weight.

Such a diet is able to save from 5 to 7 kg, but unfortunately, it has contraindications. Such a diet is by no means impossible to resort to people suffering from stomach ulcers, acute nephritis, gastritis, enteritis, hepatitis, colitis and cholecystitis. The fact that such disorders grapefruit juice can cause aggravation. In addition, doctors advise to stick to this diet for more than three days. But if you have no contraindications, then maybe it makes sense to try this way of dealing with excess weight, because it helps Victoria Beaune and it's hard not to notice.

Tags: diet, nutrition, weight loss, Boni