Diets world: carrot

Diets world: carrot
 Observe the carrot diet is difficult, because there is not nothing but carrots, very difficult. It is necessary to go to the diet with the idea that carrots cleanses the body and normalize metabolic processes. Everyone knows that these factors are the first step to losing weight, so it makes sense to spend 4 days sitting on the carrot diet.

Carrots contain fats (in small amounts), carbohydrates (10%), nitrogenous substances, vitamins, as well as vitamins A, D, E, K, ascorbic acid, lecithin and sterols. Due to the high content of beta-carotene carrot is a great protection of the immune system. With liver enzymes carotene is converted in the body into vitamin A - excellent antioxidant. Owing to this action of vitamins, the organism ceases to form free radicals, thus carrot protects us from diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, arteriosclerosis, cataracts. This vegetable promotes physical and mental development, improves eyesight. Due to the fact that carrots contain a large amount of iodine and fiber, it helps fight overweight.

If you decide to go on a carrot diet, then 4 days for lunch and dinner you will have carrots. Of course, it can be annoying, but eventually you'll get a reward - a weight loss of 3-4 pounds.

Before use, carrots should be thoroughly washed and cleaned. The most valuable substances in vegetables, are under just under the skin, so the thinner cut the top layer, the more vitamins remain.

Many nutritionists say that better use carrots without subjecting to heat treatment, as it loses not only taste but most of the vitamins.

Dieting: 3-4 times a day carrot salad, which is prepared by the following recipe: 1-2 carrots grate, add lemon juice, a little vegetable oil, a little honey (total daily rate of honey should not exceed 1 tablespoon) choose one fruit (kiwi, apple, grapefruit, pomegranate or orange).

Number carrots in no case exceeded and is not reduced. In the morning you can drink half a cup of yogurt or milk, eat a spoonful of sour cream. This is due to the fact that without the fat carrots are very poorly absorbed.

If you are tired of salad, instead of him in the evening you can drink carrot or fruit juice. During the day, drinking water or green tea (total amount of liquid in day - at least 2 liters).

On the last day carrot diet you eat the same thing can be added to the diet of potatoes (1-2 pieces) and a little meat. Then a few days it is desirable to limit itself to the fatty and sugary foods.

Enjoy your weight loss results!

Tags: juice, diet, peace, slimming