8 diets approved science

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 The more people who are overweight, the more there is ways to combat it. Universal cure of extra pounds has been found so far, but there are several ways against which physicians have nothing.  

Low-fat food:

This diet is easiest to move. You will be full of energy and strength, you will have all that you want and whenever you want, and the weight will be reduced by 2 kg per month. The weight started to leave, you must go to low-fat foods. If the meat is lean, if the fish, the cod or pollock, etc.


This diet is a fractional power in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in the presence of excess weight. Its main advantage - a reduction of daily caloric intake. The average calorie reduced by 15 percent.

Model plates:

Take an ordinary dish for the main course and mentally divide it into four parts. One half should be vegetables, one quarter garnish, even one quarter of the protein to be trays food. Wash down dinner must be low-fat milk, yogurt or water. Additionally, one can eat a slice of black bread, and eat fruit for dessert. If a year to use diet "model plate", it is possible to lose 25-30 pounds.

Lose Weight correctly:

To lose weight, you need a combination of three factors - the motor activity, nutrition and psycho-emotional state. In the body, everything is interconnected, and if there is something negative, we try to compensate for this excess of the other. Many doctors agree that if you want to lose weight, you need to solve their psychological problems.

Dietary modifiers:

Calorie and satiety products are not related to each other. Therefore, manufacturers produce a lot of food "with a maximum of satiety with a minimum of calories." They do not remove the toxins and not digested fat from food. Simply due to the high concentration of minerals, proteins and vitamins such food quickly saturates. Rate of decrease in weight when making cocktails - up to four pounds per month.

Low-fat diet:

Reducing caloric intake will not only reduce weight but also increase life expectancy by 40 percent. Caloric intake can be reduced by excluding from the menu baking and sweets. And included in the diet of fish, vegetables, herbs, poultry and legumes.

The French diet:

Method advises learn to treat eating quietly. There are often, but little by little, to move a lot and drink a lot of water. To do this, first Keep a diary to help you identify your weaknesses. Then start to change their dietary habits.

Diet on glycemic index:

The bottom line is that there are products in which the content of the GOP at the very least. Learn the glycemic index is a snap, but one and the same product can have different GI depending on the treatment. For example, crushed cereals in it is much lower than that of overhead popcorn flakes.

Tags: diet, nutrition, diet