Diet Madeleine Zhestan

Diet Madeleine Zhestan
 Madeleine Zhestan - famous French dietitian, diet developed it has become quite popular among the stars of show business. The power supply system Madeleine Zhestan refers to low-calorie and cleanses the body.

The main emphasis in the diet of Madeleine Zhestan placed on the cleansing of the body. Designed diet for 7 full days. Two days received food, designed to cleanse the body of harmful substances and excess. As a rule, it is proposed to distribute these two days on the weekend. During the same five weekdays maintained a low-fat diet with a significant limitation sweet, fat and so on. The number of calories on weekdays Madeleine Zhestan limits in 1200-1400 kcal.

Another interesting point - the French creator of the diet recommends limiting motor activity these days. In her opinion, the body and so receives a significant load, removes harmful substances and breakdown products. Moreover, Madeleine Zhestan advises two days unloading more generally lie, since the horizontal position promotes better removal of toxins.

So all the days of the diet in the morning should drink a glass of water. On Saturday at lunch, eat a piece of boiled meat, steak or chicken. Lunch - fruit or yogurt. Next up to 20 hours spread 3 cups broth and 1 special fresh lemon with a teaspoon of honey. After eight pm - 3 cups of cooked vegetables. At night, allowed yogurt. But do not drink water at night.

On Sunday, after drinking a glass of water cook the juice of half a grapefruit. An hour later - a cup of skim milk. Before noon should drink cleansing broth for lunch - you have the juice of grapefruit. In the afternoon tea are allowed to eat two pieces of fruit (in the form of salad or mashed potatoes). At dinner - 200 grams of fish and 300 g of green vegetables.

Within a week morning still begins with a clean beaker of water. After a while - a cup of hot cocoa, 15 minutes - half a cup of fresh juice. The time period required, mix cocoa and juice in the stomach fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Have breakfast one fruit (banana excluded). At lunch, eat fresh cottage cheese mixed with fruit, this dish energize you. Snack - a portion of dried fruits. Dinner - 200 grams of fish or poultry, and 300 g of fresh vegetables. Between afternoon tea and dinner - fresh lemon juice with a teaspoon of honey.

Recipe cleansing broth: 1, 5 liters of boiling water roll 400g carrots, 1 kg of leeks, 400 g tomatoes, a few sprigs of celery. Salt is not allowed, but the broth season with thyme.

After the release of the diet, be careful not to get dropped pounds. Diet Madeleine Zhestan quite hard, so often used it should not be. However, you can use it again 3-4 months.

Tags: diet Zhestan