Dream job: take by storm

Dream job: take by storm
 Work occupies a huge part of life for some people it is not just a way to earn a livelihood, but also the opportunity to realize their talents and achieve their global objectives. It is not surprising that sooner or later, those who are seriously engaged in their career development, there is the job of their dreams. This may be a position in the company, a leader in its segment and the vacancy with more interesting salary, or a prestigious company.
 In order to find your dream job, is not enough just to write a resume. Sometimes even a few interviews, no matter how well it may have passed. Therefore, if you are sure that this is the work created for you and you for it, then you need to take it by storm.

No, of course, no fighting start is not necessary - anyone who needs to work war! But your perseverance and abnormal behavior can be a successful strategy.

A job, do not be lazy to call back and clarify if they received it if it was read. Sometimes it happens that to your resume is simply not reached the hands or it got lost among other papers. In this case, send a second time and make sure it reached the addressee.

Try to talk to the person who makes the decision - personnel officer or director, and convince him to be sure to meet with you. You should not be brash or aggressive, just tell them that you want to work in this company, and explain why. If you show awareness of the affairs of the company and projects, praise her work and growth rates or other strengths.

It happens that the position is already occupied, or your skills are not enough to her. Do not get lost in this case. Ask you to enter the base of potential employees and periodically reminds himself, raising, meanwhile, the professional level, for example, completing the course in the specialty or go training, in the end, learn some language or begin to study a second. Report this cadres, asking to replace the old with the new data.

If you have an interview, try to prove himself as a reliable professional. Even if for some categories you are not the best candidate for the coveted post, assure the prospective employer that you are willing to learn fast. Believe me, employers appreciate those who are willing to undertake various efforts to achieve its goal, the one who is working to improve their professional level. And, in the end, your persistence will be rewarded.

Tags: job promotion, a dream, behavior, assault