How to make eyes expressive

How to make eyes expressive
 Completely different expression can give women face special charming look. Correct application of cosmetics will transform statistically average person is very attractive. If you learn this art, can make your eyes expressiveness.  
 The most important condition is properly chosen cosmetics appropriate lighting. At your disposal should be: the shadow of three shades of one palette (light to dark), eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, lip - applicator, eyeliner, mascara, brush for eyebrows and eyelashes.

The first step in using a pair of tweezers to give the necessary shape eyebrows. Too much plucked eyebrows - is no longer fashionable. In addition, the thin line of eyebrows can make face expressionless, so you need to carefully remove hairs.

Pick the best eyebrow pencil in brown tones. And try not to draw a continuous long line, and apply strokes in the right places, otherwise the eyebrows begin blikovat.

Now select the eyeshadow. Start with a tone that is as close to natural. The whole area of ​​eyelids, apply this shade. Then create shading with dark tones of shadows from the inner corner of your eye to the outer folds of the region. The area under the eyebrows, apply the lightest shade.

If the eyes have extra volume and act too, apply for ever darker shadow than the area under the eyebrows. With deep-set eyes do the opposite. If the eyes are not too large and have a narrow slit, try to give them a beautiful almond-shaped and oriental flavor. Be sure to use this for a dark pencil century, by which create a circuit. The line should be thin at the inner corner of the eye and thick at the outer. Here lay the dark shadows. To apply loop on top, you can use a special eyeliner.

In the end, apply mascara to the eyelashes. Most girls do this movement from the bottom up, painting only the inner surface of the cilia. Try to make it outside, even though it is inconvenient. Do this by slightly looked down and closed his eyes.

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