Himself a gardener: rudbeckia

Himself a gardener: rudbeckia
 Rudbeckia - herb, often saving a lot of the Asteraceae family. Characterized by direct high-branched stems, oval or ovate leaves. Inflorescences are in the form of baskets diameter of 15 cm. The title shall botany flower Olaf Rudbeck.

The most common types of Rudbeckia - perennial. One of them, radiant rudbeckia, reaches a height of 60 cm. Its leaves are narrow lanceolate, the diameter of the flowers up to 9 cm. The colors - orange (if the petals are shaped like tongues) or purple (for tube). Flowering time - July-August.

Other varieties of Rudbeckia are predominantly yellow and orange flowers, the average height of the stem does not exceed one meter.

Rudbeckia likes full sun, so its better to put in the unshaded areas of the garden. The soil should be fertile, loamy, well cultivated. In dry weather requires moderate watering. In the wild, rudbeckia grow in swampy areas, so most varieties not tolerate dry and hot periods.

Remove faded blossoms. Thanks to such care you will not only extend the flowering period, but also improve the appearance of colors. All kinds of plants require tying. Additionally, if you grow Rudbeckia dissected, cut it in June to the middle of, and in the fall at the root.

Most species of Rudbeckia, other than terry varieties propagated by seeds, germination which persists up to three years. In other cases, suitable division of rhizomes. Put the seeds in a pot, sprinkle with ground and moisten. Within two to three weeks, keep the temperature 16-18 °. Germinated seeds will land after the end of spring frosts. Young plants are very sensitive to heat, but, having reached a certain maturity, rudbeckia easily tolerate light frosts and characteristic of late autumn - early winter.

In the garden, rudbeckia used as part of a group planting and mixborders. Good plant looks in the vase life. Plant Rudbeckia recommended with such colors as asters, delphinium, sunflower, Helenium, blue phlox and solidago.

Tags: time, SEB, sun, soil, warmth, bloom, rudbeckia, inflorescence, gardener