Rest in the North Caucasus: Arhiz

Rest in the North Caucasus: Arhiz
 In the picturesque mountains of Karachay-Cherkessia, like a pearl at the bottom of a huge bowl in the valley of the proud mountain river Big Zelenchuk village located Arhiz. Framed on all sides by mountain ranges, it is protected from winds. The sun in this place more than anywhere else in the North Caucasus.
 Arhiz is one of the most promising in all respects resorts Karachay-Cherkessia. This place is like a fairy tale, which is beautiful in any season of the year. In winter, snow-covered mountain caps sparkle in the sun, with the arrival of spring primroses bloom on the slopes, and swift rivers, originating from glaciers begin to fill with boiling crystal-clear water. Summer mountain Arkhyz covers fluffy pale green carpet, please view the shady spruce, fir old, birch glades, fluffy pine. With the arrival of autumn fallen leaves rustling underfoot, and mountain slopes turn into a bright mosaic of red, orange and yellow crowns of trees, among which always winds greens needles.

Salubrious air of the mountains, and unique, plenty of sun Arhiz put on a par with a mountain health resort Italy and Switzerland. Very diverse flora and fauna Arkhyz. Here are preserved relic plants - Yew, Caucasian fir. One of the most beautiful places Arkhyz are waterfalls Sophia glacier - a nine foam flows that are broken down with a crash with a hundred-meter height. Impressive mountain lakes, scattered with colorful spots around the plateau. Stunning panorama opens from the height of alpine meadows, sinking into grass and flowers. Ridges and gorges are scattered mysterious dolmens of great interest and Arkhyz temples, which are considered the oldest in Russia.

In Arhyz there are excellent opportunities for rafting, plains and mountain skiing, mountaineering. Hence, in neighboring tourist areas are many routes. The local ski resources at times exceed those of such popular winter resorts like Dombai and Federal District, longest runs, total ski area, avalanche safety. Everyone who came here in the mountainous region heady greens, sonorous waterfalls, always will find here a fairy tale.

Tags: vacation, resort, caucasus, landmark