Meet, like, meet ...

Meet, like, meet ...
 How and where to meet a young man? How to please him? These questions concern a lot of girls who have not yet found love. But just ask questions - not enough. We must act!

If you want to meet a young man, do not just sit at home watching TV. Need to live life to the fullest, to visit various places (discos, clubs, karaoke bars, exhibitions, theater) can communicate via the Internet, go hiking, go to the skating rink in the winter and in the summer for a walk in the park. Of course, a loved one can be found in an ordinary day, for example, on the way to the store or for a walk with the dog. But, unfortunately, such cases a little.

So, the meeting took place and familiarity. Now we need to fix made to this meeting not be the last. In the appearance of the girl should not be extreme or vulgarity. High heels, miniskirt, bright red lipstick reduce your chances to tie a lasting relationship. However, unkempt clothes, unkempt hair and torn sneakers also repelled from you man. Appearance girl should be attractive. Her facial expressions, gestures, gait should be a natural, she should talk intelligently and show a sincere interest in the young man. It is desirable to emphasize the feminine figure.

You have to be confident in yourself and your abilities. After all, each person has their complexes, and the guy did not find them too. Therefore, first of all, you need to love yourself for what it is, and then do not have to think of something and configured to communicate. Everything will be natural. During the conversation, you need as much as possible to ask the young man about his habits, hobbies, friends and, of course, all this is to be able to listen and remember. The more she knows about his hobbies, the easier it is to build a conversation and find common ground.

And of course, do not need to cheat guy and come up with something of himself, trying to sound different. If a girl does not share the habits of a young man, no need to hide it. It should just let him know that it is always ready to compromise and give him a place in front of the TV when they show football, not her favorite series.

Tags: the first guy date