Your choice - sissy

Your choice - sissy
 Sissy - ideal for women, whose childhood was not enough dolls and such an important game for girls "Mothers and Daughters". Mama's son many seem very nice and attractive in their own way, because all men - this grown-up children, is not it? True, it is true, that's just fix sissy almost impossible, even if the daily lecture him or separated from his mother for a thousand miles. Such a man is usually grows as a result of excessive care of his mother who raised him, or one, or just a late birth. What to do with mama's little boy and is it worth it?

As time recognize that in front of you - it is a sissy? To do this, right from the first date (and especially the moment of acquaintance with her mother) need to get accustomed to all the nuances of his behavior. Cheerleaders have the following details:

• Extreme lack of independence of men, at which time he needs the support of the mother, whether moral encouragement or financial assistance.

• The belief that everything in the world is doing the best it was his mother. At the same time he cook the most delicious soup and tie most comfortable sweater, "my mother" would still be out of competition.

• The desire to choose the favorite woman like his mother and externally, and some inner qualities.

• Confidence in their own right, the constant expectation of praise and encouragement in his address (favorite son, the smartest, the most beautiful, the most gifted), inability to perceive what whatever criticism from others.

• egocentrism and narcissism and excessive "correctness". Such a person is often meticulous in all matters ranging from food and ending with warm clothes and things, spread out "on the shelves." In all this betrays a desire "to please my mother."

• Takeover mom outlook on life, moral values ​​and worldview.

Being a mama's little boy to man - an incredibly convenient, because there are so many women with unfulfilled maternal instinct! And for the most beloved mama's son to "mom" - it's not always a bad thing. In the end, "son" - being gentle, considerate, thoughtful, surprising economic and obedient. On one condition: you must try to be like his mother, and not to rebuke her "baby-sit" with your loved ones.

The dark side character mama's son - is his moodiness and often exaggerated self-esteem. This means that all orders and "violence against the person" excluded, otherwise the answer is futile stubbornness.

What to do? Make friends with my mother loved, throughout her to imitate up to rewrite culinary ideas and order in the apartment, "like her." That she did not feel in your opponent and do not blame the fact that you took away her only son, do not leave his mother alone. Walk, to each other's homes, to show her all sorts of favors, and it is possible ... to have children. Then with the "big kid" in-law change to grandchildren, and a man will allow at least a little mature.

Tags: child, mother, husband, chosen