If work interferes with love ...

If work interferes with love ...
 Incompatibility of love and work - usually a female problem. After all, if a girl's life outlined a serious relationship, it involves the creation of a family. And this step is the responsibility and duty, many of which fall on women's shoulders.

Work in the lives of many people is one of the main places. Rare person does not want to be realized in the profession, to become independent or just doing things you love. But while building a career, you may well find a soul mate. The first sensation, of course, the joy - love, particularly mutual, inspires. But sooner or later you will have the problem of how to combine feelings and work. Well, if you can learn to evenly distribute the time between those that are important to you, things. Then you will enjoy the work, and evenings, weekends, holidays, and vacations to spend with your loved one. This option is available if your companion passionate work, at least you. But usually have to choose. After all, if you want to get a strong family, she should be given a lot of time. And when it comes to the appearance of children, the more time career is not appropriate. In addition, the favorite may express a desire to see you warm, home, raising children. After all, when a man wants to be the head of the family and can afford to keep this family, it is quite right to women's understanding. Another question is whether such strong feelings to find the strength to devote herself to her husband, children, home. And the last place to put the work. Of course, you can choose a career, but then you run the risk of becoming lonely workaholic. Think about what kind of activity you can change. For example, to develop activities at home, maybe open a creativity: in his spare time to write a book, do needlework, cooking. Still find true love in life is more complicated than work. And then in the modern world it is possible such a situation that the man sitting with the children and the woman earns money, becomes a real "business woman". There is nothing unusual in this version is not (although it is quite rare), if it is fully satisfied with the whole family. No matter what choice you do not come, you need to solve this problem, otherwise you will lose the tranquility and peace of mind that reflect badly on relationships with loved ones and work.

Tags: work, family, relationships, love, careers, creating