What and why not give your loved

What and why not give your loved
 Favorite gift - it's always something special, but not always to the Gift we come consciously. And because the reaction can often be quite not what we expected. In order not to be disappointed and do not disappoint your loved one, take a look at the list of gifts that give necessary either gently or not at all worth it.

You can give your loved one an envelope with money, but only if he is saving up for a thing. Thus you make it closer to the desired. But if you give money, saying, "I did not know what to give you, choose yourself", it can greatly offend people, because it is expected that you will come to Gift creativity and soul.

In no case do not give a gift that you also want to use it. This can be done only by the joint celebrations, such as the date of your acquaintance, but if it's a birthday, it's not fair to share the gift a loved one, it must be strictly his personal and individual.

Household gifts to give is not necessary, if only because they are not gifts as such, that is, things that are pleasing to the soul, eyes, evoke pleasant memories. Pot or a hammer, even if they are needed in the economy, it is better to buy a normal weekday. But if we are talking about parents, this rule does not always work as they people are more practical. But loved one driver set can upset.

Gift, purchased at a kiosk on the way, unlikely to please you, so why should he be like your favorite? Indeed, in the present the most important thing - it's nesting you love, care, attention and creativity, so if you do not have time to buy a gift in advance, it is better to give him a little later date, but in this case, it must be fully justify its retention.

Forget about hygiene products, such as shampoos, razors, shaving foam. The same applies to underwear. Exceptions can only shorts and socks funny colors or imported from traveling. Everything else he chooses himself.

Do not give gifts to all the boring type of pens, notebooks and diaries. If you loved these things are necessary, for sure, he had already bought them. As for the pens, but today, in the presence of computers and cell phones, they are not used as often as before.
7. If you believe in people's signs, then discard the donation beloved hours, mirrors and knives. All of these things can lead to negative consequences, such as quarrels, unhappiness or divorce. If you are giving a watch to your favorites should not forget to give you in return for a coin, but from the other objects still refrain.

Tags: gift