Plan "B": planning stages of pregnancy

Plan "B": planning stages of pregnancy
 During pregnancy, changes dramatically the work of the female organism. The load on the bodies becomes many times more so if they worked prior to conception in "an emergency" mode, during pregnancy will wear them fast. In order to prevent the manifestation of various problems as a baby and his mother - you must be well prepared for this important period in your life.

There is such a thing as "planning to become pregnant." This set of activities aimed at the general survey of the expectant parents, as well as providing a more optimal conditions for conception. Preparing for pregnancy suggest starting no earlier than three months before the moment of conception.

The first step is to prepare psychologically, and not only to the future mom and dad, but also to all members of the family. It is important to ask ourselves and understand: Are you mentally and physically to the education of their children? Do you realize how important this step? As the eldest child react to the fact that the house will soon be a kid? And if you can count on relatives in the care and upbringing of a new family member? If all these questions are only positive responses, then the foundation has already been laid.

The next important step - to remember what a healthy lifestyle. The rules are pretty simple and known to almost everyone else at school: no alcohol and smoking, modal food, spend more time in the fresh air and, of course, get round stressful situations. Observing them, you get to keep your health for years to come.

The next step - a medical examination. When you first visit the doctor must tell him about all the medical history, including sex. You may think that it is absolutely healthy, but like Chlamydia is a disease with no outward symptoms. A fetus, chlamydia is considered the number one enemy, it leads to disruption in the formation of a small body. And certainly it is necessary to pass both partners blood on blood type. This will determine whether it is possible Rh - conflict of the fetus and the mother.

Well, that analyzes commissioned and given the green light for the emergence of a new man. Most of the pregnant woman, without any problems. Others enormous effort in order to see the cherished two strips on the test, and the result is still zero. No need to panic, remember, the more a woman is experiencing stress, the less likely to conceive. Be positive, do not put a goal to become pregnant. Live and enjoy the love of family, but in this case it will not take long.

Tags: child, plan, pregnancy, planning, preparation, stage