If you deliberately chose to use black and white scale in the room, it is worth remembering a few simple rules.
1. A compound of black and white has the ability to divide the space into components that leaves a strong mark on the perception. In this case it is better to avoid the flowing lines on walls and furniture, as space becomes a "floating" and a sense of comfort disappears. This option is not suitable for recreation - excessive dynamics animates the interior.
2. The second problem - all straight lines. The room becomes "strikeout type of" why the eye is tiring. In this case the space, as if crushed, due to which there is a feeling of tightness.
3. Best in combination of black and white - this balance. The best option is a collection of exclusively white and exclusively black object in the same room. Minimalism - a good thing, which may be followed by choosing black and white design.
4. Designers often use a good way to liven up a black and white design with bright accessories. But often forget that the colored spots in the interior are very visible, attracting the most attention.
Psychologists, and after them, and designers claim that in monochrome interior necessarily be colored spot mood. Color detail - the best option to decorate the room. You can use any colors: red, orange, blue, green ... The main thing to remember: the choice of a color element depends on your perception of the room. Black-and-white room red color makes dynamic, orange - lively, green - welcoming, blue - cold.
These interiors - a trend of our time, and in this case it is better to refrain from excessive pomposity. The design should be like and pleasing to the eye!