How to ask for a raise

How to ask for a raise
 When wages are not justified spent capabilities and ceases to bring moral and material satisfaction and responsibilities only grow, should think about the need to increase it.
 Before meeting with the leadership of the question of wage increases, consider a strategy that will be used in the negotiations - armed with the information about how many specialist receives your level, ask about the financial capabilities of the company.

Prepare a report on the achievements of its own for all time in the organization, specify the range of duties performed by you, and if they have expanded since the beginning of your work in the company, be sure to mention it. Do not forget that the work you are selling your skills, knowledge, qualifications, which are good value for money. Accordingly, considers this conversation not just as his request, but as a proposal for a mutually beneficial transaction, because you do not just ask for a pay rise, but it also offers us something in return - always tell the boss what you benefit the company: about your capabilities, including the education, new knowledge, lessons learned. Formulate all your thoughts and wishes correctly.

Not to raise their demands and wishes, knowing that your expert level and profile makes, for example, 30 thousand rubles a month, and it is considered a good salary, do not ask for more - so you only soured relations with his superiors. Not threatened to resign in case of failure and do not indicate that someone raised the salary and you do not.

Premeditated all their arguments in favor of wage increases, because you can worry too much during the interview, and to sound convincing, memorize them by heart or write.

The strongest argument to announce the end of the conversation, as people best remember the last said.
In any case, achieve from the head of a straight answer - yes / no. In case of refusal ask him not only the reasons for this decision, but his expectations about your work in the future and what else you can do to still achieve the desired increase.

Discuss the possibility of higher wages better regularly every 1-2 years, with a periodicity you will be able to extract from these negotiations favor even with a negative outcome. Every time you will get a chance to look at ourselves and perhaps reconsider their behavior and relations with the chief.

Select the right moment to talk about improving - when you and the head is enough time, and you both are pro business conversation.

If your company has a system of budgeting, negotiation spend before planning the budget for the next period - this will allow the supervisor to take into account its possible increase. If you work in an organization, use the system on which the staff evaluated on the basis of work for a certain period, refer to the following step of this system to really understand what it is to increase you may qualify.

Tags: boards, increase, increase