Dismisses beautiful!

Dismisses beautiful!
 Beautifully quit work can not all. For the most part is not that nice, but rather the contrary. If you are tired of so much that you just want to send anyone to slam the door and think at the same time, see how you will manage without me here, do not rush to throw the boss on the table statement. Even in this case, you can walk away with your head held high.

Most importantly, take your time. Make sure that the dismissal - the right step and you go at it without feeling a sense of anger, and not someone trying to prove something. And certainly do not try to convince his departure your leadership and co-workers that they need you. Irreplaceable people still do not exist.

"Beautiful" dismissal also implies that you personally announced his decision to his boss. Email or note from the secretary - is for the weak and cowardly, but you decided to leave something beautiful, and therefore it is necessary to safely make an appointment to the chief and bluntly tell him of his decision.

Prepare for questions about the reasons for dismissal. The most important thing to say what he wants to hear your boss, but do not lie at the same time. If your boss is bad to take criticism, you can use some streamlined phrases, such as "I want to change the area of ​​work" in any other case - tell the truth, backed by its evidence. Regardless of the reaction to your words of your head, try to assure him that the place of work you like, but plans changed. Be prepared and to the fact that your boss may ask, what do you to stay. At this point, many pass the nerves and they remain, and working conditions do not change, so the answer to this question is to think ahead and try not to be tempted to stay.

Of course, do not forget about his plans for the care must be notified in advance. In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation it is necessary to do for 2 weeks, which, moreover, it is necessary also to work. Terminating Many make the mistake of not appearing at work in this final period that crosses all the effort put into "beautiful" dismissal. Remember that your main goal in this situation - to leave a good impression, even at the last day of good faith Treat their duties, do not go ahead of time, and finally leave all the necessary papers and documents to his successor.

If you do it right, the dismissal of a pleasure, and negativity will not be any part of the employer, nor in your soul.

Tags: question, the head of the dismissal, the employer