
 Peplos - a subspecies of a tunic, worn by women in ancient Greek VIII-II centuries. BC, mostly Spartan. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that he was not ligated to the right side and the non-crosslinked edge off with a border of drapery and ornament. Often depicted in peplos ancient Greek goddess Athena (see. Picture). As the ancient Greeks ...
 Peplos - a subspecies of a tunic, worn by women in ancient Greek VIII-II centuries. BC, mostly Spartan. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that he was not ligated to the right side and the non-crosslinked edge off with a border of drapery and ornament. Often depicted in peplos ancient Greek goddess Athena (see. Picture). Also, the ancient Greeks had a festival dedicated to her. One of the most solemn moments of the festival: a procession of noble citizens sent to the temple of Athena and is there peplos woven girls to put it on a statue of the goddess. Sometimes over the peplos dressed cape "Pharos".