Date on zodiac sign

Date on zodiac sign
 When planning a date, you need to rely primarily on the taste and preferences of a loved one, and not on the horoscope. Characteristics of zodiac signs can not reflect the personality of each individual. You can only give some general guidelines for each of the characters.
 Aries loves spontaneity and speed. Therefore, he must respond to your impulse, even if a date has not been scheduled. Choose any active pastime such as joint flight on an airplane to impress active and vigorous Aries.

Taurus - the exact opposite of the previous types. He loves thoroughness, thoughtfulness, clarity of action. Therefore, check in advance whether it will be free on the appointed day, warn in advance. Taurus usually appreciate good food and do not mind the "classics" in the art of courtship. Therefore, dinner at a nice restaurant with a varied menu is very handy.

Gemini - nature is complex and changeable. Therefore it is better not to try to identify with him the time and place of your goodbye - he will rush and change its decision. It is better to put it before the fact. Because it is very important to captivate Gemini ignite his interest and curiosity, try to think of a scenario goodbye, unlike all the previous ones.

Cancers appreciate comfort, warmth, beauty and privacy. So they just like any small cafe with a nice atmosphere, nice music and a small number of visitors. However, diversity can every couple of months to arrange extreme joint vacation - this Raki also appreciate and gladly accepted.

Lions fully justifies its royal title on dates. They will be delighted (or regal take for granted) from travelers in the trendy, expensive establishments. Of course, you should look appropriately - flawlessly.

Virgin will also carefully assess your appearance. They akkuratisty therefore want everything to be in order and went like clockwork. Therefore, not only carefully choose a dress, but also thought-out plan goodbye. Make sure that the selected institution will be the place, everything will be arranged comfortably and soundly.

At Libra will make a good impression on a romantic date to classical laws of the genre. However, in addition to take care of the situation and the mood. The balance will be glad if you will be able to maintain its lively chatter and keep at ease and relaxed.

Representatives of the sign Scorpio emit special energy. And love to find the same in the world. So find a place, which is associated with any legend, mysterious stories, which made special rituals - the traditional tea ceremony before the tour of the old castle.

Musketeers on a date Engage in any adventure, even the most innocent, "toy". The main thing - to create a mood of ease and speed, which are so fond of representatives of this zodiac sign.

On a date with Capricorn do not try to put him in the eye and dust to impress, which is not true. A person does not respond to the scenery, but feels false. Therefore, a date should be simple but sincere.

Aquarians love freedom, so do not try to load it senses on a date. It is better to go for a crowded crowd, where you can be on the same wavelength, but do without talking heart to heart.

But Pisces, on the contrary, will be delighted by visits if it is accompanied by a long conversation - confidence, deep and quite frank. Choose not too busiest place to create the right conditions.

Tags: date, sign, love