
 Dzhorop - thick socks with patterns, the traditional clothes of the peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Dzhorop or dzhuraby, crochet from sheep's wool, dyed in different colors. The most commonly used are yellow, green, red, white and black thread. In addition, each nation chooses its colors and designs. Traditionally dzhorop to crochet, but modern ...
 Dzhorop - thick socks with patterns, the traditional clothes of the peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Dzhorop or dzhuraby, knit crochet from sheep's wool, dyed in different colors. The most commonly used are yellow, green, red, white and black thread. In addition, each nation chooses its colors and designs. Traditionally dzhorop to crochet, but modern masters and used needles.
Due to the special treatment of wool becomes easy and socks got very warm. They are in the house during the cold season or put under the shoes to keep your feet do not feel cold. Also dzhurabam to sew the soles and then replace socks shoes.