
 Buskins (Gr. Kothornoi, lat. Cothurni) - kind of footwear in antiquity, initially daily, later - especially stage (theater). Initially buskins is a highly soft leather boots with lacing. Starting with V century BC buskins on high soles began to use actors depicting gods and heroes, to increase growth. Some samples were ...
 Buskins (Gr. Kothornoi, lat. Cothurni) - kind of footwear in antiquity, initially daily, later - especially stage (theater). Initially buskins is a highly soft leather boots with lacing. Starting with V century BC buskins on high soles began to use actors depicting gods and heroes, to increase growth. Some samples were so high that resembled stilts. It is believed that the first stage buskins introduced the use of the great dramatist Aeschylus. Buskins are the progenitors of the modern platform shoes.