
 Snatch - a word of Dutch origin (kanefas - canvas). This is the old name durable cotton fabric with embossed woven pattern. For the first time this word is found in the "Charter of the sea" (revised 1724). From this fabric usually made for men, women's clothing. Also it has been used as a material for sails. There are several types of snatch: Bazin, Bazin ...
 Snatch - a word of Dutch origin (kanefas - canvas). This is the old name durable cotton fabric with embossed woven pattern. For the first time this word is found in the "Charter of the sea" (revised 1724). From this fabric usually made for men, women's clothing. Also it has been used as a material for sails. There are several types of snatch: Bazin, Bazin, piano and others. For the production of curtains and underwear used to go crazy - another kind of snatch. This sort of light white cotton cloth. Due to its strength snatch enjoyed success with the urban poor. Glassware called kanifasovymi or kanifasnymi.