
 Aniline - based inks, which are widely used to impart a bright color fabric. It received in 1826 from natural indigo. Of the new material began to make organic compounds, which have a rich and varied colors. Aniline dyes are produced in large numbers and now. They are sold in powder or liquid form. Modern aniline more ...
 Aniline - based inks, which are widely used to impart a bright color fabric. It received in 1826 from natural indigo. Of the new material began to make organic compounds, which have a rich and varied colors. Aniline dyes are produced in large numbers and now. They are sold in powder or liquid form.

Modern aniline more resistant to water and sunlight. Artists actively use it to work on silk, as it spreads well on fabric, allowing you to create unique mergers and color transitions. Dyes based on aniline unsafe to work with them should be cautious and do not breathe mikrochastichki stirring powder.