Want to lose weight? Rui!

Want to lose weight? Rui!
 The problem of excess weight becomes today a truly global scale. Particularly acute, it is in the developed countries where people eat a lot of fast food, convenience foods, fatty, smoked, salted food. Many of them, knowing that you have to fight against overweight sit on a rigid diet, limit themselves in everything. Nutritionists argue that in order to lose weight you need to eat. But the question is when and what can be used in food.

Today on diets sits a huge number of people. Among them are those who have excess weight very much, and those who have it is almost there. Many people will select to themselves the power supply system. Most, trying to quickly lose those extra pounds, sit on a fairly strict diet. In some of them the daily ration painted almost by the minute, pointed out that and in what quantities can be used. In this case, with only one glance at the menu is a person wakes up hungry, he did not even starting the diet starts to feel uncomfortable.

But to lose weight does not necessarily make such sacrifices. Moreover, they are not needed. After strict diets weight often returns to its original value, and some people get more and more weight.

So to get rid of extra pounds, you need to have. But there must be correct. Look at your diet. To better assess its food journal for a few days. Write down everything you eat for a day. Then analyze your diet.

If you eat lots of fatty, spicy, sweet, flour food, you should drastically change your diet. To weight down, the food should be a low-calorie, but diverse, rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Enter in your diet more vegetables, fruits, lean meat, cereals. But the fish can eat pretty fat, as it contains Omega-3, a beneficial effect on the blood. Meals are better steamed, boiled, baked, as in this case, the product better preserved all the nutrients. But the fried food good body will not bring any. First, in this method of processing products destroyed all vitamins and minerals. Secondly, the frying oil is used, the frequent use of which promotes cholesterol.

It is also important to observe and diet. It is better to have more, just five - six a day, but the amount of food eaten at a time must be reduced. Get up from the table a little hungry, do not overeat, because the information that the body is satisfied, enters the brain is only about 15 minutes - 20.

If you feel hungry between meals, you can mute it by eating an apple, some nuts, drinking a cup of yogurt. It should also be borne in mind that many people confuse thirst with hunger. So first drink of water. If 20 minutes later you will still want to eat, then it should meet this need.

Tags: nutrition