Nourished by age

Nourished by age
 Due to the fact that at different ages due to take place in the body of a man of biological processes require different vitamins and minerals. Therefore, for each period must be a separate diet, because what we ate in 20 years, is unlikely to make up for everything you need to have 50.

At the age of 20-30 years, we are an active lifestyle, which is characterized by frequent "snacking" in cafes and fast food outlets frequented by party, leading to a lack of sleep, a lot of work, and this requires energy. In addition, this is the age most people have children, and to maintain the reproductive system, we need many vitamins and minerals.

Experts recommend at this age to eat at least four times a day in small portions, as well as to reduce the consumption of coffee and give up alcohol, harmful at any age. The diet must include foods rich in calcium, iron and zinc, and for women will be useful food rich in folic acid. Menu of people in this age group should include dishes from chicken, rabbit, turkey, fish, eggs, dairy products, bread, beans, rice, dried fruits, nuts, cocoa, chocolate, sea kale, watercress and seafood.

At the age of 30 to 40 years, the majority of men and women continue to work actively. This is related to poor nutrition - a quick breakfast, lunch and defective hearty hearty dinner, big breaks between meals. Many women at this time experimenting with diets in an attempt to regain the figure.

At this age, doctors recommend eating often, but in small portions, the type of "snacking", with breaks in two - three hours. The diet must include fish, soy, beans, peas, greens, grapes, pomegranates, apples, dried fruit, bran, rice, bread, dairy products, cashew nuts, vegetable oils, cocoa and fruit.

After the age of 45 years in humans there was a decline in the reproductive system and associated hormonal disruptions. Often people get fat just for physiological reasons, but considering that this is due to the excess of food, turn to diets.

Doctors insist that the people of this age in any case do not skip breakfast, which will give your body the energy it needs. Include in the diet of more raw fruits and vegetables, not subjected to steam treatment. Meat is better just to boil or cook for a couple. In the menu you want to include fish, dairy products, calcium-rich, nuts, beans, tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, red cabbage, garlic, greens, blueberries, grapefruit, cherries, vegetable oils.

Proper nutrition is important at any age, so do not forget to watch your diet and give up bad habits and work out.

Tags: nutrition, age