How to catch up

How to catch up
 Exercises on the bar - a great way to develop the muscles chest, back and arms. In order to obtain a significant result, it is necessary to perform pull-ups on the bar correctly. Before you begin to pull-ups, should not engage in exercises and other physical activities. Catch up better at the beginning of training until the muscles of the body are not yet tired.
 Carpal do without straps, as it strengthens grip that will help strengthen the muscles of the forearm. First, experts recommend to reduce the number of repetitions. However, with increasing force, you will notice that you will be able to make a certain number of pull-ups.

When pulling on the bar is recommended to use "bespaltsevy" grip. In this case, all the fingers should be placed on top of the crossbar. Through the use of this method, the voltage is directly transmitted to a broad back muscles, and the role of the weak link, ie, biceps reduced. If you learn how to catch up in this way, you can immediately feel how much better were felt pulling it in broad back muscles. After the occupation of exhalation should be smooth and easy to fall down until it reaches its original position.

Many believe that even a small pull on the bar will give some result. However, this view is mistaken. While at pulling up the chin will not be above the crossbar from employment on the bar is not the desired effect, as the exercises are performed correctly. Professionals recommend better to make 5 complete correct repetitions than 10 partial pull-ups.

To exercise on the bar had the greatest impact on the vitality and development of the muscles of the back, enough to do much wider. During the execution of pull-ups should pay attention to the work and the position of the joints to avoid injury.

For many beginners these exercises seem complicated, and they do not like to carry them out, in spite of the effect, which give such training. If you monitor the state of the ligaments and muscles during sports training, pull-ups will not seem so overwhelming.

Performing exercises on the bar, it is not necessary to resort to outside help. This applies both to all kinds of simulators, and his partner, helping to reach the crossbar. It is better to try and achieve the desired result yourself.

Tags: horizontal bar, exercise