5 most dangerous methods of weight loss

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 Dangerous diet - relative concept. Large injury can cause every diet, if it is selected solely on the basis of "how to lose weight quickly" without prior consultation with a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, dietitian or therapist.
 Monodiets harm, starvation diets and fast

The harm of such diets is that the human body needs daily full set of fats, carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Fasting, monodiets and express diet deprive him of this, thereby causing decreased immunity, digestive disorders and stress. Organism, not getting from food substances necessary, begins literally "eat" itself. As a result of deteriorating condition of the teeth, gums, muscle tissue, hair and nails. On the way out of the diet a person reacts increase appetite, so dropped pounds return as easy as disappeared, and with the addition. A lover of fast ways to lose weight should always remember that the abuse of harm from such diets are very harmful to health.

Harm "green" diet Vegetarianism

Vegetarianism was a complete rejection of animal products or in part, when allowed to eat dairy products and eggs. Unequivocally say that this way of eating is harmful, it is difficult, because it has many forms - from the most extreme to quite acceptable. For example, Ovo-lacto vegetarianism, in which you can eat dairy products and eggs, less dangerous than veganism - a rigorous system of power, which prohibits any food animal proteins. This form is particularly harmful for the organism, because people should eat daily many diverse products to obtain the necessary amount of nutrients. Severe restriction in protein and meat products leads to a deficiency of B vitamins and certain trace elements - iron, calcium, zinc and other. When vegetarianism has risk of serious health problems - from anemia to more serious illnesses. It is important to understand why people do it. 

Harm detox diet

Detox diet Encourages slim figure by cleansing the body of harmful toxins. It prohibits use products containing synthetic components and fats subjected to severe heat treatment, not refined. On the day should consume no more than 1,300 calories and drink cleansing shakes, as part of which the cayenne pepper, maple syrup and lemon juice. This diet is very effective, but harmful: kilograms leave because the body is under great stress. Cocktail "power" without a full breakfast and hot meals can not be called balanced, so that to problems with the gastrointestinal tract near.

Damage to blood group diet

Doctors around the world are wondering: the relationship between the type of food and blood groups in no way confirmed, and various experiments with diet may badly affect the physical condition and even mental health. Many nutritionists consider it to be just a myth. Those who try it, start to lose weight, but this is due to the fact that people are watching their diet and limit itself in some products. As a result of mono-diet, the body begins to suffer from nutritional deficiencies, which manifests itself in the form of weakness, of bad health and other ailments.

Harm protein diets

The basis of the diet of protein foods - fish, eggs, lean meat, cheese, as well as carbohydrate-containing foods are eliminated as much as possible. The main advantage of these diets is that they are quite easy to follow. However, they can harm the body. One does not need a lot of protein, and if such a diet he gets them in excess. At the same time the body has almost no carbohydrates, which are very important to him. Protein diets are based mainly on meat products. Bad impact is what happens excessive protein intake, and then intoxication. It is expressed primarily in a bad state of health, constipation, which eventually can lead to disorders of carbohydrate metabolism. Protein diet affect the joints and kidneys, sometimes causing serious health problems.

Tags: diet, nutrition, weight loss, harm, method