The best way to lose weight

The best way to lose weight
 In an effort to lose weight, some women are ready to literally everything - all day to sit yogurt, not eat after six in the evening, eat a variety of fat burners. But these Herculean efforts provide only a temporary effect. What a way to lose weight the safest and most effective?

Severe restrictions on food - a huge stress on the body, which is weak, not only from a lack of nutrients, with which, as a rule, any rigid diet is poor, but also on the so-called "withdrawal syndrome". So-called psychological difficulties in giving up your favorite foods.

After the end of any diet the body with a vengeance requires the usual amount of calories and converts the excess energy into fat. However, the diet can be useful and effective if you follow the golden rules of healthy eating.

Firstly, it is necessary to stop overeating. Eat all you love, just a little portion of the decrease, especially in the afternoon. Over time you will learn to distinguish the feeling of fullness from the desire to eat for the future, and other destructive emotions.

Second, refuse obviously harmful products. Not only on the chips, cola and noodles "Doshirak" that interfere with normal metabolism, and thus hinder weight loss. And from such high-calorie "enemies", such as packaged juices. They contain a lot of sugar. The same can be said about the various wonderful cottage cheese, yogurt, milk shakes.

Third, replace the favorite harm them useful analogs. For example, instead of juice from fresh drink packages. Instead of cheese delicacies eat cheesecakes, where sugar is replaced by fructose, instead of cream cakes - fresh berries and whipped cream.

Fourth, give up snacking calorie biscuits, buns, sweets. What is eaten while watching television, during a break at work, as a rule, not seen, but it is easily stored as fat. As a snack, use grain bread, apples, carrots.

Fifth, keep a food diary. Let the food that gets to your table, is varied, cook using low-calorie ingredients. Add seasonings, replace sugar with honey.

Are recorded in your food diary all useful changes. Be sure to take exercise. After a while, you can be proud of themselves, because the body will thank you thankful smooth operation, and the extra weight will go by itself.

Tags: diet, method