Diet Julia Roberts

Diet Julia Roberts
 Famous American actress Julia Roberts is the mother of three children, and age she already is not young. But toned petite Hollywood beauties be the envy not only the ladies of her age, but many young girls. About how and thanks to a diet, she manages to retain its shape, the actress often said in interviews.

As Julia Roberts constantly watching their weight, sometimes only needs a small adjustment of the figure, and for this it is enough to three days. It is possible that this will be enough to you. The three-day diet is the most restrictive. It involves the use of a small amount of boiled or baked salmon or sardines, light vegetable salads, fruit for dessert and mineral water. As a snack, you can take a small portion of chicken breast, green apple and a few nuts. As a result, during these three days, you can lose a few pounds overweight.

If you want to thoroughly work on her figure, you can use a long-term diet of the famous actress. It's not as strict, and a variety of products in it anymore. Allowed to eat beans, rice, apples, herbs, vegetables, sea kale. As in the diet must be present proteins and carbohydrates, you can eat fish and meat, but not fatty and fried. Light salad with green vegetables should be present on your desk every day, seasoning them must, of course, not mayonnaise and olive oil. Salt in foods should be the minimum amount. Not bad every day to eat a little seeds or nuts. Naturally, you can not do without dairy products, but also make sure that they are free from grease. In diets should be fruit: eat them as much as possible, but be careful not to mix them with other products.

You must calculate your diet so that the daily amount of carbohydrates is about half of the rest amount of calories should hold equally proteins and fats. And please note that overeat even the most useful products are not worth it. Divide them better into small portions, snacks. And if you follow this diet, then a month to see how changing your proportions.

Important conditions in these diets should be drinking plenty of water - at least one and a half liters a day, and, start to drink it on an empty stomach, only when you wake up. In addition, once a week should be done fasting days. And, of course, any diet should be combined with physical exertion.

Tags: diet, appearance, weight loss method, julia, dzhuiliya