Diet "Traffic Light"

Diet "Traffic Light"
 Diet ABC, popularly known as the "traffic light" - is soft, almost all suitable methods of weight loss. With it you can effectively lose weight without causing harm.
 In this diet products are divided into three groups, each of which corresponds to a certain color. Group A - red. Foods and beverages included in it, are removed from the diet. This is fast food, fatty meats, bacon, sweet drinks, cakes, white bread, sweet sweet pastries, milk, champagne, beer, mayonnaise, salt and sugar.

Products following group (yellow or B) can be used only until the afternoon. To yellow are all cereals, excluding semolina, savory pastries, pasta, lean meat, sausage, cheese, chocolate, caramel, candy, fruit, cheese, ketchup, spices, pickles, coffee.

And third, a green group G consists of products which are used without any limitation, in any amount and at any time. This seafood, boiled fish, apples, green salad, carrots, cabbage, oranges, lemons, eggs, vegetable oil, fresh herbs.

Designed Diet "Traffic Light" for about a week, during which time you can lose weight by 1-2 pounds. There are better smaller, but often - about 5-6 times a day. Such a diet normalizes the digestive enzymes help the digestive tract function better.

Avoid fried foods, prefer steam dishes, boiled or stewed. During the diet is not recommended to actively participate in sports. But the daily douche welcome: it activates blood circulation, tidies endocrine system.

Also, every day should be consumed more fruits and vegetables - sources of dietary fiber, due to which the body is derived from cholesterol and normal intestinal flora. Note drink: it must be abundant, about 2 liters of pure water or non-carbonated mineral water per day. You can drink tea without sugar and juice - fresh vegetables and fruits.

Tags: diet, weight loss, abc