What vitamins are vital to us

What vitamins are vital to us
 It has long been known that vitamins without the normal functioning of the human organism is impossible. What are vitamins and how much a person needs to receive daily?
 Vitamin A promotes the formation of visual pigment, preserves vision, helps the body fight infection, is involved in the regulation of growth and cell reproduction, supports mucous membranes and skin in good condition. Feature of vitamin is that it is contained only in foods of animal origin: egg yolks, fish oils, pork and beef liver, butter, sour cream and others.
Some plants contain carotene, which in the intestine and human liver by an enzyme karotinazy turns into vitamin A. Group A large number of carotene contained in sorrel, red peppers, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, green onions, pumpkin, peach, apricot, mountain ash, dog rose, sea buckthorn, many wild plants etc.

Vitamin B1 promotes the absorption of carbohydrates, fats, protein and mineral metabolism, and normalizes the function of the nervous system, blood circulation, secretion of gastric juice and gastric peristalsis, increases the protective properties. Vitamin B1 is contained in foods of plant and animal origin: egg yolks, liver, kidney, pork meat, bran, cereals, bread from wheat flour, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots and others. He does not accumulate, so it is necessary to receive daily with food.

Vitamin B2 is involved in oxidative processes with carbohydrate metabolism, contributes to the normalization of growth of body tissues of view. Found in beans, wheat and rye seedlings, green peas, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, meat, kidney, liver, many root vegetables, yeast, mushrooms, onions, eggs, cheese, buckwheat, pickled vegetables, kombucha, etc. .

Vitamin B6 is a part of enzymes that contribute to fat and protein metabolism, blood, improves the body's resistance, improves liver function. Found in wheat, corn, millet, barley, buckwheat, flour, meal, wheat, meat, liver, fish, brewer's yeast, many fruits and vegetables. Under the influence of bacterial flora can be formed in the human gut.

Vitamin B12 is involved in fat and protein metabolism, improves the absorption of oxygen to tissues and blood, promotes the normalization of the central nervous system. Mainly found in foods of animal origin, accumulate in the liver.

Vitamin B15 helps to regenerate liver tissue and the exchange of oxygen in the cells, normalizes the functioning of the adrenal glands. Found in foods such as core stone fruit, sprouted seeds and shoots of many plants.

Folic acid contributes to the development and growth of the organism, the formation of proteins, reduces the possibility of the development of atherosclerosis, stimulates hematopoiesis in the bone marrow. Products contained in vegetable and animal origin, but in small amounts and in an inactive form (it is cleaved in the gut and then absorbed). Under the influence of the intestinal bacterial folic acid may be synthesized in the human gut. In some diseases, gastrointestinal absorption and cleavage of the vitamin occurs, its deficiency occurs in the body, which can lead to macrocytic anemia.

Vitamin C increases the vitality of the body and regulates redox processes, increases resistance to infections, improves blood clotting and the permeability of the capillary walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of developing multiple sclerosis, helps restore bone, etc. Contained mainly in fruits, vegetables, berries, pine needles and wild plants.

B vitamin E helps the regulation of reproduction, metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Found in green beans, green peas, vegetable oil, rose hip, corn, wheat, oats and others.

Vitamin PP helps reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood and normalizing metabolism included in the enzymes involved in oxidative processes. Found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, mushrooms, cereals, many wild plants.

Tags: Food vitamin