Lawns in landscape design

Lawns in landscape design
 Admiring the natural and man-made landscapes, we captivate their harmony - a delightful proportionality and unity terrain, vegetation, air space, which are pleasing to the eye with their beauty. Creating spectacular scenery in the garden and park areas - the main task of the masters of landscape design. To help them - many elements for a desired Song: trees, flower beds, paths, ponds, small architectural forms. An essential component of the planning structure in the landscape design - lawns.

Lawns - the perfect backdrop for the creation of a complete architectural and artistic image of garden area. Aesthetic merits of manicured green fields, well-integrated with other components of the decorative landscape design, it is difficult to overestimate. But lawns are good not only for its "decoration" function. They absorb noise and dust, are beneficial to the maintenance of an optimal level of humidity and temperature on the green space. Humidity rises above the surface of the lawn, and the temperature - is reduced by 6-7 ° C. Such climatic role lawn is simple: green cover has the ability to quickly evaporate moisture of the earth.

Another useful feature lawns - clearing land. A layer of sod always faster mineralizes organic matter, resulting in harmful microorganisms in the root system virtually do not survive.

As decoration lawn not only pleasing to the eye juicy green tones. There are several different types of lawns. Ground considered the most elegant. It is good of its "cloth" - velvety short grass (fescue, bluegrass, bentgrass) that are beautifully soft bush shoots and leaves. In its most intricate compositions parterre lawn has complex patterns, often - with plant motifs. Background for them are sand, gravel of different colors and other inert materials. For parterres characterized by one more detail - ridges. This special lanes that carry and protective and decorative function. The grand parterre lawn do not go - they can only admire.

Ordinary landscape ornamental lawn - no frills. It is often used as a lawn area and therefore does not look so well-groomed as a ground lawn. But it is resistant to trampling. Dense sod it formed strong shoots broadleaf grasses, including the popular perennial ryegrass.

At the site of natural grassland meadow create lawns. In this wild grass neatly mowed and cultural grass sow them further.

The most hard wearing green cover is considered a special lawn. His break in the garden and park areas in places of recreation for children's playgrounds. As part of a mixture of sports turf - the seeds of grasses with elastic stems and strong root system (meadow foxtail, white clover and others).

The most scenic and natural landscape design - Moorish lawn. It resembles a blossoming meadow and unpretentious care. Lawn grasses and flowering at different times of wildflowers (in the approximate ratio of 3: 1) - that's you and live smart carpet. Flowers of it - the most simple, but not striking multicolored caressing glance: forget-me-forest, Carpathian bellflower, feverfew pink, red clover, alyssum sea.

If the lawn is sown for the first time, it is done in early spring. Landing recommended to mix the mixture with the dry-sieved sand in proportions of 1: 1 or 1: 2. Seeding can be done manually or by using special drills. The soil is compacted after the introduction of the seed by roller or with the board.

 Of course, the beauty of the lawn care needs. Particularly fastidious in the care and parterre gardens lawns. All need an individual approach depending on the composition of herbs, climate, weather conditions. Mandatory watering (usually at intervals of 3-5 days), dressing, grooming, sitting down. Only then lawns are not ordinary herbage, and this decoration land.

Tags: design, lawn, landscape